HeLiPaD Trial Recruitment

Do you know any CEOs, organisational heads, or HR managers of workplaces of 50+ employees?

The Helipad trial is seeking to harness the collective power of the MAGNET network to find potential workplaces to participate in our trial.

The Helipad trial will test whether a brief online program delivered through workplaces can improve employees mental health help-seeking intentions from health professionals. We are aiming to recruit 30-36 Australian workplaces who have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in place to be part of the trial, so we would really appreciate your networks to find potential contacts!

If you think you know someone who might be interested, please send through any contact details (name, organisation name, email/phone number) to helipad@anu.edu.au  or philip.batterham@anu.edu.au  so we can touch base with them to discuss potential involvement.