Who We Are

MAGNET is a nationwide system of over 100 world-leading representatives from mental health institutions, health services, industry bodies and consumer groups. Our members include researchers, carers, insurers, lived-experience experts, and First Nations representatives.

Meet the MAGNET team led by:

Professor Michael Berk

Professor Michael Berk is currently a NHMRC L3 Research Fellow and is a Deakin distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at Deakin University and Barwon Health, where he heads IMPACT Institute for Mental Health and Clinical Translation. He has published over 1400 papers and is listed by Thompson Reuters ISI as highly cited (2015-2022). In 2019 he received Victoria’s highest scientific honour, the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation. His major interests are in the discovery validation and implementation of novel therapies.

Professor Susan Rossell

Professor Rossell is a world-leading researcher in cognition and mental health. She has published over 370 papers, focused on understanding the cognitive impairments involved in psychosis, mood disorders and body-image related disorders, aiming to develop new interventions for these debilitating cognitive symptoms.

Currently, Prof Rossell is a Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow at Swinburne University.

Filter Members by:

A/Prof. John Allan

University of Queensland

Prof. Osvaldo Almeida

University of Western Australia

Prof. Vasso Apostolopoulos


A/Prof. Shalini Arunogiri

Monash University

Prof. Andrew Baillie

University of Sydney

Dr. Sanna Barrand

Deakin University Lived Experience Research Partner

Dr. Ayla Barutchu

Deakin University Executive Officer | Chair of Operations Group | Steering Committee | Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Tarun Bastiampillai

Flinders University

Prof. Philip Batterham

Australian National University HeLiPaD Study Lead | Operations Group | Steering Committee

Dr. Miki Bere

Swinburne University Assessment Platform Coordinator

Prof. Michael Berk

Deakin University Chair of Steering Committee | Deputy Chair of Operations Group | Hearts and Minds Lead

A/Prof. Niranjan Bidargaddi

Flinders University

Dr. Michelle Blanchard


A/Prof. Grant Blashki

Beyond Blue, University of Melbourne

Dr. Chiara Bortolasci

Deakin University

Prof. Richard Bryant

University of New South Wales

Dr. Enda Byrne

University of Queensland

Prof. Alison Calear

Australian National University Steering Committee

Dr. Stephen Carbone

Prevention United

Prof. David Castle

University of Melbourne Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Helen Christensen

Blackdog Institute

Prof. Scott Clark

University of Adelaide Steering Committee

Ms. Laura Collister


Prof. Sue Cotton

Orygen Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Simon Craig

Monash University

A/Prof. Jackie Curtis

Mindgardens Neuroscience Network

Ms. Leilani Darwin

First Nations Co. Deputy Chair of Steering Committee | First Nations Partner

Prof. Chris Davey

University of Melbourne Kite Study Lead | Operations Group | Scientific Advisory Committee

Dr. Jess Davis

Deakin University HARMON-E Study Trial Coordinator

Prof. Olivia Dean

Deakin University

Ms. Amber Degelia

Deakin University Hearts and Minds Study Trial Coordinator

A/Prof. Stuart Ferguson

University of Tasmania

Ms. Rachel Fiddes

Deakin University HARMON-E Study Trial Coordinator

Prof. Paul Fitzgerald

Australian National University

A/Prof. David Forbes

University of Melbourne

Prof. Nicholas Glozier

University of Sydney Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Melissa Green

Dr. Amelia Gulliver

The Australian National University HeLiPaD Study Clinical Trial Coordinator

Prof. Jane Gunn

University of Melbourne

A/Prof. Nicola Hancock

University of Sydney

Ms. Carla Haroutonian

Westmead Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney Steering Committee

Prof. Anthony Harris

University of Sydney

Dr. Samuel Harvey

University of New South Wales

Ms. Cass Heffernan

The Australian National University Lived Experience Research Partner | HeLiPaD Signature Trial

Prof. Ian Hickie

University of Sydney

Prof. Sean Hood

University of Western Australia Steering Committee

Prof. Malcolm Hopwood

University of Melbourne

Prof. Kate Hoy

Bionics Institute

Mr. Greg Humble

University of Melbourne KITE Study Trial Coordinator

Dr. Ravi Iyer

Swinburne University MAGNET Biostatistician| Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Felice Jacka

Deakin University

A/Prof. Mahesh Jayaram

University of Melbourne

Ms. Preet Kaur

Swinburne University Platforms Manager | Operations Group

Prof. Frances Kay-Lambkin

University of Newcastle

Prof. Catherine Kaylor-Hughes

University of Melbourne Steering Committee

Prof. Jayashri Kulkarni

Monash University

Prof. Jim Lagopoulos

University of Southern Cross

A/Prof. Vinay Lakra

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Steering Committee

Prof. Colleen Loo

University of New South Wales & The Black Dog Institute Scientific Advisory Committee

Mr. Harry Lovelock

Mental Health Australia

Prof. Daniel Lubman

Monash University

Prof. Sarah Maguire

University of Sydney

Prof. Gin Malhi

University of Sydney

Ms. Angela Markus

Deakin University Steering Committee | Secretariat | Marketing & Communications | Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Nicholas Martin

QIMR Berghofer

Ms. Eileen McDonald

Lived Experience Research Partner | Operations Group | Steering Committee

Prof. Peter McEvoy

Curtin University

Prof. Patrick McGorry


Prof. John McGrath

University of Queensland

A/Prof. Rebecca McKetin

University of New South Wales

Prof. Denny Meyer

Swinburne University Data Management Platform Lead | Steering Committee

Prof. Catherine Mihalopoulos

Monash University Health Economics Platform Lead | Steering Committee

Dr. Stephanie Miles

Orygen and The University of Melbourne

Dr. Michael Millard

St. Vincents Health

Prof. Katherine Mills

University of Sydney Steering Committee

Prof. Greg Murray

Swinburne University

A/Prof. Amanda Neil

Menzies Institute of Medical Research, University of Tasmania Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Mark Nelson

University of Tasmania

Dr. Fiona Nemeh

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance

Prof. Chee Ng

University of Melbourne

Prof. Meaghan O’Donnell

University of Melbourne

Prof. Adrienne O’Neil

Deakin University HARMON-E Study Lead | Operations Group | Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Richard Osborne

Swinburne University

Prof. Christos Pantelis

University of Melbourne

Prof. Andrea Phillipou

Swinburne University

Prof. Saxby Pridmore

University of Tasmania

Professor Christopher Reid

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Anthony Rodgers

George Institute Steering Committee

Prof. Susan Rossell

Swinburne University MAGNET Platforms Lead | Operations Group | Steering Committee | Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Jessica Roydhouse

University of Tasmania

Dr. Sarah Russell

Research Matters Lived Experience Research Partner

Dr. Orli Schwartz

University of Melbourne Kite Study Trial Coordinator

Dr. Clinton Shultz

Blackdog Institute First Nations Partner | Operations Group | Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Dan Siskind

University of Queensland Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Tony Stevenson

Mental Illness Fellowship

Prof. Suresh Sundram

Monash University Steering Committee

Dr. Scott Teasdale

Mindgardens Neuroscience Network

Prof. Maree Teesson

University of Sydney

A/Prof. Neil Thomas

Swinburne University

Prof. Stephen Touyz

University of Sydney

Dr. Viet Tran

University of Tasmania

Prof. Alyna Turner

Deakin University

Prof. Svetha Venkatesh

Deakin University

Prof. Tracey Wade

Flinders University

Prof. Ken Walder

Deakin University

Dr. Adam Walker

Deakin University

Prof. Philip Ward

University of New South Wales

Prof. Steve Webb

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance

Prof. Naomi Wray

Queensland Brain Institute

Prof. Murat Yücel

Monash University

Prof. Alison Yung

Deakin University

Prof. John Zalcberg

Monash University

Prof. Sophia Zoungas

Monash University
